Aquaplaning occurs when a layer of water builds up between a vehicle’s tyres and the surface of the road beneath.
The tyres can’t grip the road, this causes a lack of traction which means the driver loses control and is unable to steer, brake or accelerate.
How do you know if you’re aquaplaning?
When driving on a wet road you might:
- Hear your engine suddenly become louder
- Feel like you’ve dropped the clutch down the gears while driving at speed, causing the revs to increase
- Feel the steering become light
- Experience the back end of the car drifting from side to side – known as “fishtailing”
What to do if you find yourself aquaplaning:
- Don’t hit the brakes hard
Gently ease off the accelerator - Hold the steering wheel straight
- Switch off cruise control mode if you have it on
- When the car begins to gain control, you can begin to brake to bring your speed down.
- The better condition your tyres are in, the better your car will cope with wet conditions. Please check your
tread depth regularly or call in to us in Ballinderreen where we’ll happily check for you.